Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Labeled under: Random
This has been an incredible year this far. I’ve had the chance to practice content strategy here in Portland for many different organizations as well as learn from so many folks from the Oregon, Washington, and California areas. I’m confident that it wouldn’t have ended up this way if it weren’t for the many incredible people in my life.
I’m using this post as a space to tell the lovely people in my life that I’m extremely thankful for their love and support.
My lovely wife, Michelle: Thank you for your support and understanding. I know my late hours of work and grumpy morning starts can be annoying at times, but I’m thankful that you understand that I’m doing what I love and support me in doing so. I love you.
My brother, Anthony: It’s been great to be able to spitball ideas with you, even though we have completely different skills and perspectives on life. Your input and guidance have helped me tremendously. The time you spend with me just listening is important to me. I’m thankful for it.
My friends and family: This body of people in this category doubled in size after the wedding. Awesome. I’m very thankful to have so many people be interested in what I do, ask interesting questions, and most of all, support me in all of my adventures.
It may be chilly out, but know that I’m not stopping at all. I’ve got a lot to work with and improve upon and I hope I can make you all proud.
I hope you’re all enjoying time with your family and friends during this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!